? Telegraft
North East and Cumbria Burns Network
What do we do?
What are our aims?
Why are we here?
Who can join?
The Telegraft
Thank You!
Who’s Who?
Thank You!

‘The Telegraft’

‘The Telegraft’ is a newsletter produced twice a year (Spring and Autumn) by The Grafters Club. The name was again chosen by the children. We invite children and their family members to submit articles for publication.

This could be;

- A piece about your accident, your journey through recovery and how you are today.

- Your article may help people understand what has happened and how you feel.

- You may like to tell us how your accident happened to make others aware of dangers.

- You might like to write a funny story that you think people would like to read and will make others laugh.

- To share useful top tips, e.g., how to cope with itching.

- Drawings, photos, puzzles and jokes are always welcome.

We need your articles to make our newsletter so please write soon. We give a prize for everything that is published.  Please write to Alison McKenzie


A big thank you to Potts the printers for publishing the Telegraft.

TELEGRAFT Spring 2010 pdf.pdf
Telegraft PDF Autumn 09.pdf